
Cosmos F1 – Royal Queen

£ 36.13

Pack Size: 3 / Stock Level = 4

Cosmos F1 is a high-CBD cannabis seed boasting big, bold sativa genetics and true F1 hybrid vigour. This cultivar is the perfect choice for growers seeking a stable, resilient, and uniform CBD crop.

Cosmos F1: The World’s First F1 CBD Cannabis Variety

Cosmos F1 is the largest autoflowering cultivar in our catalogue of F1 hybrids. With her tall, typical Christmas tree structure and bright green foliage, Cosmos F1 is a testament to the beauty and vigour of Cannabis sativa. Plus, thanks to her pure genetics, which descend from a high CBD strain in Oregon, she boasts the highest CBD concentration in our entire F1 seed selection.

SKU: 41759
Flowering Type

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Cannabis Genetics

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